Monday, March 31, 2008

Wandering Star...

So... I don't post to this blog in the way one is supposed to. It's funny. I think my most regular contribution comes in the sidebar, under the heading "Read these, they'll make you cooler".

I'm obsessed with Google Reader. I read stuff, if I like it I click the "Share" button and onto my blog it goes. No, they weren't written by me... but looking at the list of things I've shared will give you some insights.

Looking at my blog here may not. It's hideous right now. I think I've used this blog more for testing crap than I have for posting crap.

So, in hopes that I will add to the blog a little more (and/or narrow down which format to blog in... Facebook, LJ, Myspace) here is a picture of me. The lowly Blepharisma.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

NEW! Storming the Base Podcasts

DJ Antithesis, aka Jeremy Pfohl of Storming the Base (distributor of cool music), now has a new venue for his podcast:

After providing guest DJ spots on the now defunct Distorted Circuitry podcast, DJ Antithesis is starting a podcast of his own, showcasing the best in new cool music (much of which can be purchased through Storming the Base)

There are currently a couple of shows available (posted in January) - stay tuned for more in the coming months!

(Here is where they used to be hosted)